Thursday, July 05, 2007

Cultural links - Fashion:

Look at the work of the artist Prakash Bandekar. Also search words like: asain art, asian fashio in art, indain fashio in art, etc.

Art links - Graffiti

There are a number of useful sites, includingstencil revolution. Search the sites sensibly and use images that link to your theme.

Banksy is British stencil graffiti artist who's work may inspire you.

Watch this video tutorial which shows in detail how to cut and spray stencils.

Stencil techniques 2.

Technique 4: Using thick card or acetate (better, because it lasts longer), cut out your stencil image using a craft knife. Stipple paint through the cut stencil or spray with an aerosol. [If using an aerosol, spray several thin layers from a height of about 20cms from your work.] (See top image)

Look at the work of Mohammed Ali, a local artist; check out this!

Use the internet to research arabic graffiti, here is a piece found in a street.

Technique 5: You can use 'Gutta' to add detail to your work, by dotting it or creating a raised line. (See lower image).

Technique 6: To add interest you can add gold or silver leaf in thin strips to your work to highlight areas.

Stencil techniques

When using aerosols or spray-cans, always wear a face mask so you do not breathe in the fumes and place newspaper underneath your work area.

Technique 1: Spray a background.

Technique 2: Use masking tape to tape off areas that you want to stencil on - good for simple straight-edged shapes. This can be simply peeled off when it has been stencilled through.

Technique 3: You can use acrylic paint with a dry stencil brush/sponge and press/stipple the paint onto the surface, through the stencil.